Listen to "Silent Echoes" on all streaming platforms

There we go, Raylixir's first single (of 3 tracks) is now available on all streaming platforms.
This is a huge milestone, I thought would never come as I started to fight my never ending desire to tweak "just a last little thing" on the tracks.
I scheduled the release of this 3 tracks single a bit more than a month ago, just so that I could have the time to setup all the streaming platform artist's profile page info as this is my first release under the Raylixir artist name. In that time though, I feel like I progressed enough to feel the urge to now tweak things on those songs but I'm relieved that it's not possible, I can now move on and focus on everything else and also enjoy promoting those few songs like they deserve.
💿 About the 3 tracks on Silent Echoes
The 3 tracks are featuring the soothing voice of Manon The Moon.
You can check out Manon The Moon and follow her on:
Apple Music:
The 3 tracks are downtempo tracks featuring old school, analog sounding synth. Exploring lush ambiances will be frequent in Raylixir's releases.
Some songs have Jazzy vibes to them, others are more, just, straight lush downtempo.
I hope you enjoy loosing yourself into those 3 titles as much as I enjoyed crafting them over the past year (or so).
🙌 How you can help
The visibility the songs get worldwide is now in the hands of streaming platform algorithms. Meaning, the more the few people that are reading this are interacting with my songs, the more they will be pushed forward and exposed to other listeners that could be interested.
For this first release, I would very much appreciate a few actions from you.
But I would only ask you to proceed with my request if you like what you are hearing.
🎧 1. Listen to the 3 songs on Spotify, Apple Music or Deezer
Apple Music:
❤ 2. Like the songs you enjoyed️
On each streaming platform, there is a way to like the songs. Please algorithms take into account the ratio of likes/listens
. Liking the songs will help push the songs to a wider audience.
👍 3.Follow Raylixir on Spotify, Apple Music or Deezer
By following the Raylixir artist profile, you will be able to get notified on all my future releases. This will also help me get some traction!
Apple Music:
💬 4. Give me your honest feedback
Last but not least, please share with me your thoughts after listening to those songs!
Thank you very much for your support!
PS: If you are the kind of person that buys songs on Bandcamp, you can do so here. But then please reach out to me as I'm very curious to understand who is buying on that platform and for what reason!